December 2019 New Hires »
Congratulations to Tim on his promotion to Maintenance Support. Tim has been with Kool Pak for over 15 years.
December 2019 New Hires »
We welcome Sue as our new CSR—Dispatch in Ontario. She enjoys going to movies and dancing.
2019 Annual Safety Day at Polar Express / Kool Pak° Canada »
In honor of 2019 Annual Safety Day, at Polar Express / Kool Pak Canada, we pulled out all the stops and focused on Safety throughout the organization. Events included a visit from Safety Driven: The Trucking Safety Council of BC, complete with educational materials, team building with a blindfold, mini golf/putting, office discussions and laughter, plus of course, goody bags for all. Thanks to our great staff for participating and making Polar Express / Kool Pak Canada a safe place to work!
Office goodies with the Polar Express staff

Polar Express Office Discussion

Learning about safety

Safety driven demo table

Safety test-taking

Safety Golf

Safety Driven demo table

Safety Trust Factor